Friday, November 5, 2010

Our Fight for Independent National Policies is Our Fight for Peace

Part 1: Yes to Peace - No to NATO

“Economic planning operated in a capitalist country falls far short of the possibilities of planning under socialism when the working people have political power but, even with the limitations of private ownership, it can be used to produce results for the people until they can establish their political supremacy”

Tim Buck – Put Monopoly Under Control, Progress Publishers, Toronto, 1964, pp 25

For the Canadian people who in their majority are dependent on wages, an expanding economy to provide jobs, income and social and retirement security is vital. A growing economy means jobs and income – it means guarantees for the future of working families. Regional, national and foreign policies of governments are central to that aim. Government policies can benefit workers or exclude them from the productive capacity of the nation, providing benefits exclusively to the narrow profit motive.

The primary factors in determining the level of national income and which sectors of the Canadian economy contribute to and benefit from that goal is the national policy of the nation. Determining the direction, content and whose interests government policies serve, in Canada, is a fight for control over our nation, to place all national resources and its full productive capacity in the service of the Canadian people first.

The importance of this task confronts all working Canadians. The task is of first rate importance, one which will compel the nation to choose a course of independent action or to remain locked into the economic imperialist policies of US monopoly capital.