The political crisis unfolding in Ottawa has placed the question of control of energy resource development squarely in front of Alberta working people. What is becoming very apparent is that the “No New Approvals” campaign led by the Council of Canadians and Green Peace is becoming exposed for what it is – opportunism at the expense of Canadian workers.
While the whole country is engaged in the discussion of a coalition government, the environmentalists are organizing more job loss rhetoric with their new “March to Mordor” rally. It is silly and childish based in the fantasy of eco-socialism.
The defeat of Harper is presenting itself and requires the decisive engagement of the working people of Alberta in the struggle for the country. A massive disinformation campaign is being implemented by the neo-con agenda of the Reform base in Alberta to save the Harper administration. Under estimating the power of the neo-con machine will done at the peril of Canadian workers.
It is a power struggle and there should be no illusions what a continuation of a Conservative government will mean for Canadian workers. The full weight of the right wing will be brought down on workers. Attempts to prorogue parliament by Harper will be an effort by the right time to regroup and fight an election for a majority. This is an outcome that workers of Canada cannot risk.
The right will attempt to bully the Governor-General Michaelle Jean to dissolve parliament and call another election opening the door to subverting the Canadian people that, by two-thirds, rejected the neo-con policies of Stephen Harper.
The coalition government opens the door to new demands for labour and the peace movement. If Harper is allowed to wriggle his way out this crisis, a making of his own arrogant anti-worker agenda of finance, military and BigOil capital, will be a significant defeat for the forces of labour and peace. Harper must be defeated and sent permanently to the dust bin of history!
It is an urgent question that requires all progressive forces to place the defeat Harper first on the agenda and leave fantasy in the pages of children’s books. Anything less at this point in Canadian history is an abandonment of Canadian workers.
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